
When saving a target report, a Crystal Reports .rpt file will be created and the modified translation units will be saved in the TM database. By default, the target report is saved in the same directory than the source report, using the source report name and adding the language suffix. For instance if the suffix is "FR" and the source report is "invoice.rpt", the software will by default assigned the French report the name "invoice_FR.rpt".

To save a target report with the default filename

  1. Select the target window
  2. Click on the toolbar icon

    Or go to the menu Report\Save report or press Ctrl+F2

  3. A dialog box will inform you where the file was saved:


To save a target report into a different location or with a different name:

  1. Select the target window
  2. Go to the menu Report\Save As report… or press F12

  3. Browse the location where you want to save the report, enter a filename and press "Save"

  4. A dialog box will inform you where the file was saved:

  5. After saving a report with a different name, the new name will be the default name during this session so you can use the "Save" function to save the report again with this new name and location.


To save all the target reports simultaneously using their default names:



If you close a target report that has been modified but not saved, the software will prompt you if you want to save the report:


The default name is determined by the language suffix entered in the TM details page and by the "translated report name" option of the File\Options... menu


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